erwise use it “in a threatening manner” — before he or she could be charged with felony aggravated assault.
State Sen. Harold Jones, an Augusta Democrat and a lawyer, said under current law prosecutors must prove murder is the intent of someone showing or pulling a gun before he or she can be found guilty of aggravated assault.
“A person who pulls their gun out and has it at their side — at their side — would not fit this new definition of aggravated assault,” Jones said. “I just don’t think we need to be doing that.”
Thomas Weaver, a gun rights activist and Cherokee County resident, said current law carries a lower penalty for a gun owner who shoots someone in self-defense than someone who pulls out a firearm.
“If you shoot someone dead and legally claim self-defense and you prevail in that, you’re off scotfree,”
Weaver told lawmakers.
“But if you show someone that you’re armed and you don’t shoot them dead, it’s aggravated assault and a 20-year felony.”
SB 224 also aims to allow all licensed gun owners to carry their weapons into places of worship — unless the congregation adopts a policy forbidding them.
Current state law allows parishioners to carry weapons only if the place of worship’s governing body lets them. Few have decided to “opt in,” gun rights advocates said.
Gun owners also would be allowed to bring their weapons into court buildings when there are no judicial proceedings and officers of the court are not conducting official business. Guns still would not be allowed in court buildings that require visitors to go through security, Harper said. Current law bans guns from courthouses at all times.
SB 224 also aims to make it so people convicted of misdemeanor drug possession would no longer face a five-year suspension of their weapons permit, which is the current law.
“With possession of marijuana charges — that doesn’t disqualify a person from becoming a police officer, becoming the clerk of the court, becoming a sheriff’s deputy, a district attorney or a member of the armed services,”
Harper said. “So why should we prohibit those individuals from being able to garner a weapons carry permit?”
Under SB 224, antique guns would no longer be classified as weapons and law enforcement authorities would be required to sell firearms when they are confiscated.
After the hearing, state Sen. Elena Parent, D-Atlanta, turned to Twitter to call the legislation “horrific.”
“My colleagues refuse to acknowledge the danger and violence posed by guns and by the proliferation of guns,” Parent said in a tweet. “Instead they want to treat all guns as though they are sacred objects that are to be worshiped.”
Gun owners also would be allowed to bring their weapons into court buildings when there are no judicial proceedings and officers of the court are not conducting official business.